It’s never too late to learn new stuff. Having thought it through I have decided to publish my new novel ‘Beware The Quiet Man.’ as an Indie author on Amazon, in fact, it’s already online as an e-book. Publishing the paperback is proving more challenging. It was loaded and ready to go, until the proof copy arrived. One look told me that someone had made an error. The cover title text block was badly placed and touched the right margin. Was it me? Was it my cover designer on Fiverr? Or was it Amazon?
I called my designer and called Amazon. Amazon took immediate responsibility and said they would credit the proof invoice and make sure the mistake wouldn’t happen again. Good service.
While checking the proof though I noticed several typos and I will use this reprieve to avoid appearing unprofessional. I edited the manuscript myself but employed a Fiverr service supplier to format it. The formatter certainly made that easy and I hadn’t realised that I needed to be spot on in every detail before commissioning the formatted PDF. Lesson Learned.
Every cloud has a silver lining they say. What I realised is that rushing to publication just because you have typed ‘The end’ is premature. As well as having an error-free manuscript I need my marketing plan in place. In my case, Ben Summer is a new kid on the block and his social identity will take a few weeks to build. One hundred words will take a while to edit.
After spending three years getting the story to this stage I think it’s worth taking time to make it as perfect as I can so my release date for the paperback is set for Friday 25th November 2022. Meanwhile you could read Beware the Quiet Manfree on Kindle Unlimited or buy it as an E Book here. The paperback will be published on Friday 24th November 25th.
Keep your eye on this blog for further news including when the audio version will be available.
A bio for me and and a preview of the storyline is available here
I hope you get as much enjoyment from reading Beware the Quiet Man as I have from writing it.
Ben Summer